Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Planning the Website

I am in the process of planning for my new website. The new website is going to represent the new TV Channel TV4U. The audience I am aiming my website and channel at is young people aged 15-21 year olds, however, anyone who wants to be entertained and informed can go on the website or watch the TV Channel.

My website is going to have 4 pages called: The Homepage; Programmes on TV4U; TV4U Schedule; Pick of the Week. The four pages will each inform the audience about TV4U.

I have already chosen the logo I am going to use, which is the Black logo which I published earlier on in the blog.

Now I have to make the decision on what layout,background, fonts, images, information and videos I am going to use. All the images are going to be taken by me, and all the videos I use will be filmed by me.

My website, TV4U, is going to have a housestyle. A housestyle is where components of the website stay the same. The components I have decided to keep the same is the design at the top of each page. As the can see from the template of each of the pages, the logo, the banner and the menu bar stay together at the top of every page. This adds consistency to the website. The rest of the layout will change on each of the pages of my website because there will be videos, and different amounts of images.


There are two types of backgrounds are Block colour backgrounds and fill effect backgrounds. From looking at existing TV websites, I noticed that the backgrounds of the existing TV websites, were block colours, and that each website used at the most one or two block colours. None of the existing TV websites used fill effects. On my website, TV4U, I will use block colours, NO fill effects.

I have looked at colours which connotate youth. Colours such as Blue,Green,Pink, Black, Purple and Orange all connotate youth

Blue connotes youth, spirituality, truth, peace, distance. A certain shade of colour called "Turquoise" is the most well known shade of Blue which symbolizes Blue. Turquoise is meant to have a soothing relaxing effect on people. Turquoise is also suppose to symbolize communication. Turquoise is a colour which I will consider using as the background because my audience is a young age group. Turquoise s suppose to symbolize youth, which is my audience My website is meant to communicate with young people, and turquoise connotes communication.

Green connotes nature, intelligence, spring, fertility, youth,environment and youth. Green sends the message across of being reborn and spring time. Green is another good colour to consider using on my website because Green also symbolizes the youthful audience I aiming my website at. Green is meant to connote intelligence. Intelligence is also associated with being youthful. I am very undecided on the colour green, as a background colour for my website because Green is seen as a dirty colour.

Pink connotates spring, gratitude, admiration, appreciation, sympathy, socialism, femininity, health, famine, love, June, joy, flirtatiousness, child like features and innocence. This is a colour I am definitely NOT considering of suing on my website. Although it connotates being youthful, the colour does not represent both males and females. The colour I use on my website needs to represent both genders. The colour Pink is too light and is not a suitable colour to use on the TV4U website.

Black is said to be a multi-dimensional colour that has the meaning classic or new. However, it connotes death, and evil. Black also connotes modernity, absence, power, sophistication,elegance, formality, elegance, mystery, wealth, style, fear, emptiness, darkness, seriousness, rebellion, conventionality, anarchism, sorrow, unity, and professionalism. I am unsure on whether to use the colour Black. Although I know from looking at existing websites, which aim at a young audience, that Black is sued to symbolize youth, I also know that Black has a lot of negatives connected to it including death. I am going to have to seriously consider whether Black is a suitable background colour for my website.

Purple in today western culture is supposed to connotate royalty and nobility. Purple also connotates wisdom, envy, creativity, spirituality, wealth, wisdom, enlightenment, flamboyance, mourning and pride. It seems that Purple connotates youth very well. But there is a problem, because the colour purple is associated a lot with being feminine. So the colour purple will not represent both genders. The colour Purple is not going to be used as the background colour.

Orange connotates energy, happiness, cheer, heat, balance, nourishment, enthusiasm, flamboyance, fire, autumn, desire and playfulness. Playfulness, and energy are all associate with being young. But I am not considering to use Orange on my website, because I feel it is far too bright for the website, however, it does symbolize youth well.


On the website I am going to have to consider what the best font style, size, colour and shape is going to be for the writing. The colour of the font is all going to depend on the background colour. The background colour I use will have a huge impact on the font colour, size, style and shape I will use.

Information Images and Video

The Information is all going to be made up by me, All the programmes on the new TV Channel, TV4U, have been made up. The information about the programmes will have to be made up but the information will make sense.

The image is use will be taken by me. All the images will be edited to fit on to the website. The videos I use will all be filmed by me.

My website is designed by me. Everything that include on the website is going to be thought up by me and designed by me.

The website I used to get information on colours was: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_symbolism_and_psychology#Green

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